SDGs at pewag group
We are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).
At pewag group, we contribute to all 17 SDGs in the areas of environment, social and governance and continuously strive to improve in each area. In particular these SDGs have emerged as the most important areas of our influence: SDG 3 – Good health and well-being, SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation, SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy, SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production, SDG 13 – Climate action.
No Poverty
- Fair wages
- Permanent employment contract
- Timely payments along the value chain
Zero hunger
- Fair wages
- Permanent employment contracts
- Timely payments along the value chain
Good health and well-being
- Occupational health and safety in all processes
- Ensuring well-being in working environment:
- Support hotline for employees at some locations
- First aid responders in-house and remotely at some locations (WorkSafe Guardian app)
- Raising health awareness with health impulses and workshops at some locations
- Ensuring safety of our products
- pewag Racing Team
- Various sports impulses at our sites
Quality education
- Knowledge transfer through pewag academy courses
- ISO certified learning (“Learning services outside formal education”)
- Apprenticeships, mentorships, traineeships
Gender equality
- Ensuring equal rights, equal opportunities and equal treatment in all business processes
- pewag group Code of Conduct
Clean water and sanitation
- Responsible water management:
- Water is used in production for cooling, but closed loop systems and reusing water ensure minimum water consumption
- Collecting rainwater
- Regular monitoring of water quality
- Avoiding harmful chemicals in production
- Our products: pewag inox pump chains for wastewater industry
Affordable and clean energy
- Self-generated energy from renewable sources:
- Photovoltaic
- Biomass thermal power plant
- Hydro power plant
- LED lighting
- ISO 50001
- Energy efficient behaviour
Decent work and economic growth
- Fair wages
- Permanent employment contracts
- Work-life balance by enabling flexible work schedules (part-time employment, working remotely, 4-day work week) at some locations
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Certified processes: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 29990, ISO 45001, LEEA
- In-house R&D lab for snow chains
- Cyber security
- Supply chain resilience through long-term partnerships
- Automation and digitization processes: in warehouses, logistics, production, offices
Reduced inequalities
- Providing equal opportunities and equal treatment worldwide
- Welcoming diversity in teams
Sustainable cities and communities
- Transition to e-mobility: e-vehicles, e-forklifts, e-charging stations on-site
- Transition to LED lighting
- Using surplus from renewable energy production to provide district heating to neighboring apartments
- Barrier-free premises for people with disabilities, where possible
- Energy efficient buildings, where possible
Responsible consumption and production
- Tracking product carbon footprint of our snow chains
- Taking steps towards circular economy
- Providing durable and premium products
- Minimising input resources, researching recycled input materials
- Providing spare parts and repairs to prolong the lifecycle of our products
- Recycling at end of product lifecycle (scrap, plastic, wood, cardboard)
Climate action
OUR GOAL: CO2 neutral production by 2030
- Transition to renewable energies & LED
- Optimisation of heat treatment in production processes
- Resource minimization and search for green alternatives
- Optimisation of transport of our products
- E-mobility and e-charging stations on-site
- Energy efficient behavior
- Tracking impact and progress: ISO 14001, ISO 50001
Life below water
- Reduction and replacement of plastic in our products and packaging:
- Versatile portfolio of plastic-free products
- R&D to replace plastic in products with bioplastic or recycled plastic
- Prioritise packaging from renewable or regenerative sources (e.g. wooden boxes and palletes, drums, recycled carton)
- Reusing and repurposing existing packaging
- Shredded cardboard as an alternative to bubble wrap
- Supporting innovative underwater projects: “Nemo’s Garden”
Life on land
- Our products: pewag bluetrack forestry tracks for maximum soil protection and reduction of surface pressure
- Responsible use of green spaces and preservation of near-natural areas on-site
- Biodiversity friendly projects: bee meadow on-site in AT, bird feedings on-site in UK
Peace, justice and strong institutions
- Ensuring compliance and fair business practices
- pewag group Code of Conduct as a minimum standard internally and along the entire value chain
Partnerships for the goals
- Responsible value chain by choosing local or regional suppliers and by implementing Code of Conduct for suppliers
- Partnerships with local universities
- Bilateral partnerships: Honorary consulate Czech Republic in Austria
- Partnerships with local communities: Neighborhood app, health donations, sports donations, scholarships, volunteering