Home » pewag pelagus partner of the eco-friendly project “Nemo’s Garden”
19.09.2024 | Sustainability

pewag pelagus Is Proud Partner Of The Eco-friendly Underwater Project “Nemo’s Garden”

Nemo’s Garden is an underwater cultivation designed by Sergio Gamberini along and Ocean Reef Group. The project was born to face main global issues, such as: climate change, pollution, malnourishment, and hunger. The underwater-garden is in Noli, Italy, and it consists in an underwater installation of several vinyl-plastic biospheres containing various kinds of herbs, vegetables and flowers that are being tested and observed for this alternative and sustainable way of gardening.

This concept of underwater agriculture explores the sea, and the possibilities it offers. Nemo’s Garden has been designed to be:

self-sustainable – using mainly renewable energy from natural resources such as the sun and having the ability of reutilizing the freshwater it produces

eco-friendly – not harming the surrounding environment and its natural marine ecosystem that is heterogeneous, has an oligotrophic nature, a high diversity in marine species.

Find out more about the project here: http://www.nemosgarden.com/
Pictures and video: © Ocean Reef Group